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20 things I wish I knew before moving to Belgium

Weather, taxes, prices and all other big or small things that impact our life badly! Here is a list of the 20 things I wish I knew prior to moving to Belgium that could have made my life way easier!


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Hi, my name is Irina, but you can call me Ira.

I’m a Business Intelligence developer and a Travel Blogger in my free time. A few years ago I decided I needed a change in my life, so that’s how I moved to Belgium. Why Belgium? I knew I wanted to live in a French-speakig country, in order to improve my French so I started applying to jobs in France and Belgium. The first interesting project that was proposed to me was for a company located in Liège – so I packed my bags and here I am!

About me

Why belgium?

I created this website to help make your journey of moving abroad smoother and enjoyable!

I moved to Belgium in 2017, all alone with two suitcases and a lot of dreams (and doubts). I had to take the decision fast, they wanted me to start two weeks after the final interview!
As someone told me before my move, it took me around 6 months to get used to the new country, culture and to have everything put in place. I’m not saying it was though, because I enjoyed every moment of my journey, but there were for sure a lot of challenging times!

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